Monday, April 12, 2010

GOP Could Talk Less, Listen More

While the GOP continues to send guilt-ridden "compliance" messaging to conservatives and Tea Party activists in fear of the party splitting up and failing in November, Tea Party rallies press forward in their beautiful, unstructured ways and will continue to be like children who continue to disobey in the face of inattentive parents.

Conservatives and Tea Party activists are bombarded with more messaging to "go-with-the-flow". Success and progress will come by keeping a course that is steady, one step at a time. One new curious member at a time.

When the left-of-right GOP decides to instate leadership and messaging that listens more and talks less, they might just find that they gain the momentum and ground they so desperately seek from the Tea party and true conservatives who, like children, are going to grow no matter how much their parents inadvertently try to dismiss and suppress them.

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