Monday, April 12, 2010

What's Still Missing from the Freedom Movement and Palin is Not "The One"

I like Sarah Palin, I do. But after listening to her recent speeches at the McCain rally and the Southern Republican Leadership Conference in New Orleans, I am still not convinced that she is "The One" to embody all of our hopes and aspirations. The reason is this: She has proven that she excels at Obama-bashing. Okay, we get it. She has not figured out that she continues to preach to the choir. Really, when I say choir, I'm talking about the kind of beautiful Baptist choir you only hear when you go to Harlem . The authentic one.

I think this repeated messaging is starting to fall on deaf ears and Palin may find herself maintaining her plateau rather than truly uniting the conservative movement. She's not "The One" guys, sorry.

We were convinced for a while with her tales of Applehood and Motherpie. We all felt electricity with her first rallies, but like many politicians, she has continued to run with the same current that at one time provided electricity, but is now grounded.

Somewhere out there, there is someone who can electrify like Palin, probably another woman, I don't know. But whoever she is, will maintain contact with that element of her womanhood that inspires us with talking points to reclaim in our movement the notion that we must care for other members in our communities, privately, organizationally, with non-profits, with social entrepreneurship.

Never before has social entrepreneurship been so pervasive and momentous. I haven't heard Plain or Rush, Laura or Glenn LEVERAGE this to forward the cause. Not only would such talking, planning and convincing unite the fragmented right, but undoubtedly DRAW moderate, equally confused members from the left toward the Greater Cause.

I would like to see popular conservatives come out of the dark ages, get in touch with the enlightened masses and assure us how we are going to transition into a new Libertarian state that cares deeply for others and ACTIVELY seeks out ways to provide privately through sophisticated, private or corporate social structures.

We still have a ways to go. I'm not hearing it. My heart is not twitter-pated.
~h. Whitley

1 comment:

  1. Newsflash! Wayne Allyn Root talks about progressive commerce (i.e. Whole Foods) in his book, The Conscience of a Libertarian! I am twitter-pated.
